Wednesday, November 18, 2009


a lot of truth in what Mr. Dash was saying in this video. Sounds like he is at peace with the whole situation concerning the demise of what could have been the greatest Hip Hop Label ever. I know Def Jam currently holds that, but what they were building could have very well surpassed Def Jam. I may never know the real story behind what happened, but I do know that
1) this industry will destroy you! what it does to you mentally is only compounded by the fact that you have several people around you who always want "the best for you" and multiplied by the fact that every aspect of your life is scrutinized by the media.
2) most people are only as loyal as they next check...
3) when you grow you are labeled "he has changed, he is not the same dude i knew in the beginning." That is an inevitable part of life for anyone who wants to be the best at anything. Your taste change, perception of life, ideals, goals, and art. I love the growth albums.
(what scares me is artist like 50 who regress to fit the fans or what he thinks fans want. Thats called a gimmick which is why Kanye makes classic music hence is better because it comes from his heart, not his marketing plan.)

so with these compound issues that are simplified for the sake of this article, i can see how friends become enemies and then friends again... hopefully

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